Crowdfunding Innovators

Here's the moment you've all been waiting for -- our team of Crowdfunders for Crowdfunding Innovation.  We have an incredible assortment of projects to support (with your dollars, or your network, Mass Innovation Nights-style.)  Our SPECIAL live event will be at the Microsoft NERD Center on September 19, the week…

Mass Innovation Nights at Intrepid Labs

Have to start off this round-up/follow-up blog post with a big shout out to the Intrepid Labs team and the residents of this cool loft/co-working space.  Entrepreneurship isn't a 9-5 gig but at 5:00 pm everyone put away their work and helped transform the space into Mass Innovation Nights #42.…

Mass Innovation Nights – Number 43 Follow up Post

A light rain misted the Verizon Innovation Center but didn't dampen spirits for a stand-out event. One of our more spectular locations (you felt innovative just stepping over the threshold, and the ohs and ahs were audible), we had a terrific night courtesy the team at the Verizon Innovation Center,…

Mass Innovation Nights 44 at VMware

Thanks to VMware for hosting Mass Innovation Nights 44 (#MIN44) at their fun space in Kendall Square, and putting out such a nice spread, and validating parking, etc.!  (You know they are hiring, right?) We had another terrific evening of supporting local innovation, fantastic presentations and networking.  Some of the…

Mass Innovation Nights at The Hive

What a fabulous night for the Boston Innovation Economy!  Mass Innovation Nights #45 was a terrific partnership with's The Hive and was held at The Boston Globe's offices...with a rockin' after-party in the Media Lab hosted by Radio BDC!  The team really rolled out the red carpet and…