
Tweet about this product: Big habit change, small package: @pavlok uses electric pulses to change your behavior. Get yours:

Pavlok is a wearable device that breaks bad habits. Based on over 80 years of clinical research, Pavlok can beep, vibrate, or administer a mild electric stimulus to help users reduce cravings and permanently break bad habits. Simply pair the stimulus from Pavlok with the habit you want to break and the brain creates a Pavlovian association between the habit and the stimulus. Use a vibration to train awareness or act as a reminder, or use the electric stimulus to train the brain to have an aversion to the habit. Pavlok’s stimulus can be triggered manually by pressing the top of the module, or it can be paired with an Android/iOS smartphone to allow for stimulus triggers to be sent to the device wirelessly via Bluetooth 4.0. Pavlok also pairs with the popular service IFTTT so that you can trigger Pavlok based on your everyday activity.