Tweet about this product: Improve Range of Motion and Independence with Targeted Exercises in the VR Environment built for All Levels of Mobility! @mieronvr #achievemore #mobilityforall #MIN137 #WEDO2021

Achieve more mobility, independence, pain management and quality of life with Mieron’s library of Virtual Reality NeuroTherapy (VRNT) exercises based in the principles of rehabilitation.

MIERON targets mobility and rehabilitation goals, with modules covering PT & OT, Locomotive Training, Activity Based Training, Mental Wellness and Pain Management practices for all levels of mobility. Designed to be an easy to use and effective tool for pain management and promoting functional movement to improve and maintain activities of daily living.

With products available for healthcare providers, telehealth and home use, Mieron can be utilized on its own or with other adaptive equipment including wheelchairs, FES bikes, standers, resistance bands, and more for dynamic and repeatable experiences.

The MIERON VRNT System is an advanced rehabilitation technology featuring a library of therapeutic experiences designed for all levels of mobility. The VRNT experiences are distinguished by their emphasis on functional movements for upper extremity, lower extremity, trunk stability, balance, gait-training, and pain management.