Tweet about this product: Hisgram reinvents social media in the sense that it preserves credible, democratized, and knowledge-driven content #MIN137 #WEDO2021

This project is called Hisgram ( It reinvents social media in the sense that it preserves credible, democratized, and knowledge-driven content (history). The founder, with more than ten years of research experience, identified shortcomings in the current ecosystem of information dissemination and consumption. The weaknesses are briefly explained as follows: (i) Knowledge is buried within Web content and especially social media, although often precious knowledge is posted on social media worthy of being preserved in history. For example, if you want to find information about “California fire,” the only way to collect tweets is using hashtags or keywords. A similar situation is for google search. Thus, we need to reinvent social media to preserve knowledge in more accessible ways. (ii) Knowledge sources such as Wikipedia are limited to only textual data while we encounter multimodal information, e.g., video, documentaries, audio, images. Further, these sources are not real-time and fresh. (iii) There is no holistic representation of an entity (person, organization, etc.) on the Web. In other words, each entity has a couple of web entries; no interlinking portal glue the fragmented information. Hisgram addresses these shortcomings by reinventing traditional concepts more dynamically and authentically.