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Mobinett’s new product lets you plan and join activities with friends using the power of discounted deals and free experiences. See, we think discounted deals from sites like Groupon and Living Social are great – but they’re even better when you get your friends in on it and plan an activity. And what if you could find activities to meet like-minded people and make more new friends? Introducing our new discount sharing tool. Build your own or hop on someone else’s.
That’s what it is all about; a fast and fun way to plan activities using the power of the discounted deal and free experiences with like-minded people. Our formula is simple. Browse deals and free experiences to create your own group or hop on other bandwagons created by like-minded people near you. And we make it easy to get your rolling–when you log in with Facebook, you can easily find your friend’s discounts or promote your own and get the wagon rolling!
Go ahead! Because it’s not just deals anymore, it’s deals with friends!