What a great night we had at District Hall! MIN79 featured all women founders and was held jointly with a new event from Innovation Women: Women Entrepreneurs Evening. It was all part of the Women Entrepreneurs Week in Boston.
Women Entrepreneurs Evening featured a variety of organizations with a presence in the Boston area that work to support and promote women in tech and innovation, such as MassTLC, WITI, and SheStarts. That event was hosted by Innovation Women, our new speakers bureau for technical, entrepreneurial and innovative women that aims to balance gender on speaking panels and gain more visibility for talented women. On the MIN side of the event, we had a variety of excellent startups from home delivery services to client intelligence platforms. District Hall was packed with hundreds of attendees.
Special thanks to our sponsors, Silicon Valley Bank and Babson CWEL, and to District Hall for having us. Big MIN shout-out to Luxe (the on-the-spot valet service that let us drop off our cars and not worry about them all evening) and BeautyLynk, who did hair and makeup for the Innovation Women team so we looked camera-ready. Speaking of camera-ready, Emmett & Co. was there to help with the Innovation Women videos. It was a wonderful night, and we look forward to the third annual Women Founders MIN!
Did you miss it? Check out the event Storify with the archive of tweets and pictures. Or our YouTube channel for the videos of the presentations. Or, the wide assortment of blog posts —Katie Martell from Cintell, v2 Communications, and our official unofficial blogger, tech writer Janet Egan, with a great blog and photos too!
Also, in the Big News department, Babson announced the Babson Breakaway Challenge, a new competition and mentoring program that promotes gender parity while championing women entrepreneurs and aspiring venture capitalists.
Our presenters for the evening were:
The winners of the audience choice vote were:
Grand Prize: Energy Harvesters
With runners up: