One of the best things about Mass Innovation Nights is the opportunity to make new friends. And everywhere we go, we make new friends. When we move our nomadic event to a new place, the percentage of new friends is even higher!
The South Shore Mass Innovation Nights event was off the charts — great new coworking space (The Quincy Center for Innovation), wonderful new friends and 10 new local products! Many of the products were born right at “QuincyInno” and the innovators were already friends, and co-workers. Big HUGE thanks to the Center for hosting and the Quincy Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring. If you are an entrepreneur living on the South Shore, WHY are you traveling for work? The Quincy Center for Innovation is right in your backyard and it is awesome.
Congrats to our American Airlines Business ExtrAA points winners:
Equili Tees — 5000 points
One Hen — 2000 points
Lallitana — 2000 points
Canary — 2000 points
We also generated lots of tweets and pictures at the event. Blog about the event and we’ll link to you too! Check out this post from Janet Egan, our official best buddy blogger! Or, the videos from the event.