Big thank you to everyone who joined us at the IBM Innovation Center to kick off 2012 with a look at a great group of new products. Now get out there and help spread the word! We had a fantastic group and the poor weather held off so everyone was able to get there and home just fine. Thanks especially to our car poolers!
Mass Innovation Nights events promotion gets kicked off every month with posts and promotions from our presenters — companies like Blue Train Mobile, who post that they will be presenting on their websites. We also get lots of community support from the local online calendars and communities — Greenhorn Connect, Venture Fizz, BostInno and Mass High Tech. (Another option we recently discovered for local calendars — Mass Tech Hub.) And, a number of individuals write and link to us, like Brad, who spent some time hanging out with us in the Experts Corner last year. Thanks for the support!
And, don’t forget that host-for-the-evening Tim Stansky always pulls together a slideshare show for each event — if you didn’t get a chance to watch it during the evening, you can see it here.
As usual, our first big blog post always comes in from the professional, Tech Writer Janet Egan, who also takes great pictures. (Editorial endorsement — Janet’s coverage and pictures of Mass Innovation Nights have become an important part of our community — if you need tech writing done, please consider her!)
We link to the comments, blogs, tweets, posts, pictures, video, etc. that people generate over the course of the evening! Send us your posts if we miss them!
Let’s kick things off with a little video introducing the night’s team of experts. Then we heard from the four presenters — Blue Train Mobile (like trains?), Catch-App (which generated the tweet/comment of the evening, sorry BlackBerry) , GivingSomeThing (feeling altruistic and supporting local entrepreneurial community!) and Smooth 8.
More coming soon!
Kicking off 2012 with Mass Innovation Nights
December 20, 2013