My professional experience involves serving as a corporate lawyer and a member of the management team in a venture-backed software company. I currently serve in a dual role at Gesmer Updegrove – Director of Client Engagement and Corporate Attorney. Our firm is focused on serving the startup community, and my goal is to ensure we serve as a great business partner to all our clients. As Director of Client Engagement, I’m responsible for ensuring our firm establishes meaningful connections with our clients and those who will become our clients. I work closely with our partner organizations to expand our outreach in the startup community, help our attorneys build their networks, and manage the firm’s BostInno and social media channels. I also helped lead the firm’s efforts to provide programming and support for women entrepreneurs. As a corporate attorney, I advise companies and entrepreneurs on a variety of business matters, including entity formation, stock and option grants, and financing transactions. I also advise technology companies and universities on license agreements with their customers and vendors, respectively.
Twitter : @@LynneRiquelme