We’re GrowthLab… helping startups and innovators spring forward. We’re your strategic financial partner and adviser for all things startups, emerging growth companies and the venture community.

Our goal is to be an extension of your management team while being responsive and collaborative. We work with founders and entrepreneurs by helping to understand strategic and financial situation, develop business and cash flow models, elevate board reporting and assist with investor relations strategy while using the latest financial and cloud-based technology.

We’re located in Cambridge, MA, Providence, RI and soon in NYC. We are looking for bright, enthusiastic small business sales professionals and financial analysts.

Dan has over 15 years of experience in business strategy, corporate development, finance and accounting, and business development in multiple industries including Fortune 500 firms, middle market companies and startups. Dan is a mentor and advises founders and startups at Mass Challenge, CIC, Northeastern University IDEA Lab, Social Enterprise Greenhouse, Hope & Main, Brown University’s Swearer Center and entrepreneurship programs, Bryant University Ventures, JWU Entrepreneur Center and RISD’s Boot Camp. Dan is also involved in public school initiatives and is on the leadership team at the Providence Public School Department - Parent Advisory Board and on the Providence Children & Youth Cabinet’s Business and Finance Advisory Councils at the Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University.