We can't wait until WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd at 6pm when we bring you #MIN132, our very first virtual event and it's sponsored by Brandeis University! #MIN132 will showcase products and services from all Brandeis professors and staff, students & alumni via introvoke. Use this link to join our event: https://bit.ly/2JR2BK1

  • VOTE for your favorites – click on the words VOTE HERE (found on this page to the immediate left) and once on the product voting page, click LOVE IT (only four times)!     
  • REGISTER to "attend" the event VIRTUALLY on WEDNESDAY, April 22nd using this link  https://bit.ly/2JR2BK1  
  • Help spread the word – blog, tweet (using the #MIN132 hashtag), like and post!  
  • Support local innovation and have fun at the same time! 


Don't miss it  WEDNESDAY, April 22nd 6pm-8:30pm for Mass Innovation Nights #132VIRTUAL


Description: Ever wake up in the middle of the night and have this sudden urge to plan your next thrift shopping adventure? Whenever inspiration strikes, Thrift Store Guide is ready. ThriftStoreGuide is the guide to everything thrift. Whether you're looking for clothes, accessories, furniture, or knick knacks - it's here. Each…

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Description: SomLite is a social enterprise that its mission is to make high-quality solar lighting accessible and affordable for rural Somalis in Somaliland. SomLite utilizes mobile money technology to allow for incremental payments so that clients who would have been deterred by the up-front cost of a solar unit are now…

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Description: Currently, in its early stages of development, SySTEMic Flow aims to advance STEM learning for Black women and girls in the Greater Boston area. Their organization is focused on exposing black girls to math-related prerequisite courses that are required to earn a bachelor's degree in STEM such as Calculus I and…

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Description: Flora isn't just any flower- she's a special visitor to kids during Hanukkah. When its time to celebrate the traditions of this beloved Jewish holiday, Flora visits children around the world to make sure they are helpful, kind, and understand the importance of honoring the history of Hanukkah. Each kit…

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Description: Sporofight is a new method to disinfect textiles (car seats, military textiles and clothing as well as parachutes) as well as disinfect basements & homes affected by flood disasters. Applying this technology to disinfect hospital and lab equipment is another use.

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Description: TeamLift is a research-backed solution that constructs collectively smarter teams and optimizes team performance. TeamLift uses a framework called an entrepreneurial muscle memory to assess the core performance competencies of team members and their effect on a team's cognitive diversity. The product is used to put together new teams or…

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Description: As A.I. achieves more and more unthinkable milestones including beating human champions in the most complex board game Go, there’s no secret that it is the next big thing in the $3.5 trillion hedge fund industry. A.I. Capital Management is the first and only company to specialize in Deep Reinforcement…

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Description: WorkingWell (WW) is a research-based, feasibility-tested mobile app to help people with mental illness succeed at and sustain employment. WW users set and achieve goals, establish routines, learn to get along with others, and develop coping skills contributing to workplace success and tenure. WW fills the gap between what we…

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Description: Reach Into Research creates high school science lessons, projects and videos. Their videos teach challenging content while being laugh-out-loud-funny. In-class projects involve experiments, computational modeling and data analysis based on cutting-edge scientific research. These projects allow students to experience what it is like to do research in various STEM fields,…

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Ian Roy
Brandeis University

Ian Roy is the Director for Research Technology and Innovation in Brandeis University's Library. He is also the Founding Head of the Brandeis MakerLab and an Adjunct Professor at the Brandeis International Business School - and a Lecturer in the Anthropology Department. His group, Research Technology and Innovation, manages the…

Gene A Miller
Brandeis International School of Business


Gene lives in a visionary world, rooted in tactical success. Her portfolio career includes a variety of high stakes leadership positions in diverse industries through crisis periods and break through innovation. Gene currently is Director of Socially Responsible Leadership and teaches management consulting and leadership in the social innovation space…

Jordana Goodman
Danielson Legal, LLC

Jordana Goodman is an Intellectual Property Attorney at Danielson Legal LLC, specializing in patent prosecution. Ms. Goodman has written patents for everything from software to peptides, but she concentrates in chemistry, biology, and mechanical engineering-related patents. Ms. Goodman graduated cum laude from Boston University School of Law with honors in…


Name Company Web Twitter
Sudheer Reddy IBM Http://sudheer.co.in @Sud_
Karen Kearsley Keysie Www.keysie.com @@keysieusa
Ammro Freelance
Attorney & Patent Attorney Mansfield Mansfield Law ~protect your passion~ @MansfieldLaws
Laxmi Soni NA
Gail Carter Lightshift360 www.lightshift360.com @Lightshift360
daniel gonyea 52Launch, LLC http://52launch.com @@52launch
Pallavi Jain Beyondedge Infosolution
Jenny Ro Curious Reactor curiousreactor.com @CuriousJro
Jimmy Nguyen
Jack Harraghy Trust Funding Solutions, LLC http://www.trustfundingsolutions.com @Chipjack77
Dawn Van Dam Health Connexions www.healthconnexions.com @@DawnVanDam
Geoffrey Wilbur IDC http://www.idc.com @geoffwilbur
Sophia Kambanis Massachusetts Innovation Network https://www.newenglandinnovation.org @ne_inno
Duc Ha Duke & Co
Fred Find Me a Brewery https://www.findmeabrewery.com/breweries/ma/
Susan MacConnell Diversified Sales Solutions http://www.diversifiedsalessolutions.com/ @@diversifiedsale
Yashraj Peety
Paulina Szyzdek @@Szy_Paula
Keren Sun
Stephen M Prescod Sacred Heart University
Irena Ivanovska Celdara Medical
Dr Jane Ives Trainingvision Company,Singapore
Mary Fischer Brandeis University https://www.brandeis.edu/sustainability/
Susie Arnett Susie Arnett
Krishna Valluru Fidelity www.fidelity.com
Kristen Avini Innovation Nights @massinno
Keith O’Brien My Point...Exactly, LLC http://www.makeadayofitnewengland.com @@MakeADayOfItNE
Attorney & Patent Attorney Mansfield, ESQ MANSFIELD  LAW  ~ Protect Your Passion ~ http://bit.ly/MANSFIELDLAWprotectyourpassion @MansfieldLaws
Maureen Mansfield, AL< Protect Your Passion http://bit.ly/MANSFIELDLAWprotectyourpassion @MaureenManALM
Shahar Zeevi iQuest @kshahar
Mark Manuel Industrial marketing www.industrial.marketing
Masamichi Asano
Paresh K Shah Mindleaf Tech. Inc. www.mindleaf.com @pareshkshah
Neil Henry gGear @neilconnect
Frances Maher UniSelfCare https://www.uniselfcare.com/
Saad Thabit DRF Engineering Services LLC www.drfengineeringservices.com @@Saa1d967
Dean Wormell @deanwormell
Maneesh Ramanadham Brandeis International Business School
Ed Doherty Power Products Systems, LLC www.powerprodsys.com
Jordana Goodman Danielson Legal, LLC https://danielsonlegal.com/
Stephen M Prescod Sacred Heart University
Susan MacConnell Diversified Sales Solutions http://www.diversifiedsalessolutions.com/ @@diversifiedsale
Paula S Anzer
Roderick Fletcher Jennus Innovation www.jennusinnovation.com
janelle sanon
Nkosingiphile Shongwe
Bethany Conference Center at Waltham Woods www.conferencecenteratwalthamwoods.com @WalthamWoods
Lynne Becker Power of Patients, LLC www.powerofpatients.com @PowerofPatients
Colleen Bradley MacArthur World Congress @Vidproducergal
Brandon J Curran Northern Bank & Trust Company
Eugene Ivanov @eugeneivanov101
Adam Zand SharpOrange www.librarylandproject.com @NoOneYouKnow
Peter Berson Aveli By WSI https://avelibywsi.com @pdberson
Terence B Connors
Stephen Zarubaiko Law Office of Stephen Zarubaiko
Sherry Gao Dell Technologies https://www.delltechnologies.com
Fern Shamis
Dale Van Cor Van Cor Threads LLC vancorthreads.com
William Mansfield Mansfield Law https://patentattorneywill.wixsite.com/protectyourpassion @patentmansfield
Stan Rowin Stanley Rowin Photography http://stanstudio.com
Stan Rowin Stanley Rowin Photography http://stanstudio.com
Stan Rowin Stanley Rowin Photography http://stanstudio.com
Matthew Wozny Angel @MattWozny
Daniel Nadell
Matt Gorgol Alex.brown www.alexbrown.com
Darshan Dave
Sunny Tam, PhD Framingham State University https://www.framingham.edu/biotech
Mario Castaneda Blue Sail Consulting https://www.bluesailconsulting.com @Marioc1
james Feudo JVF Solutions Http://jvf.com @Jamesfeudo
Richard Parker Product Resources Prodres.com
Peter Gorman Black Rocket Consulting, LLC. http://www.blackrocketconsulting.com @blackrocketpr
KURT SMITH Mass-Sets kurtlsmith.com
Karen Walker Beecher
Joe LaRoche Metrosexual Movers www.MetrosexualMovers.com
Ian Roy Brandeis University Library www.brandeismakerlab.com @@ianiscray
Sara Kimmich ATA, LLC http://sarakimmich.com/ @@kimmich_compute
Scott Bradley Call Silencer www.callsilencer.com @@nscottbradley
Olivia Retelle Katz, Nannis + Solomon PC
Ryan Tucker Katz, Nannis + Solomon http://www.knscpa.com
Jimena Arnal
Frank Donovan Sportifi LLC sportifiapp.com @fdonovan
David Gilman Cognito https://www.cognitocreative.com @Cognito_Tweets
Paulina Szyzdek @@Szy_Paula
Brandon J Curran Northern Bank & Trust Company www.nbtc.com
Howie Hecht AdsSciences http://www.adssciences.com @howiehecht
Christopher Scranton Jobcase www.jobcase.com @mrchrstphr
Tara Greco Next Wave Impact @Greco
Michael Chen Dr Health Management
Ari Herzog @ariherzog
Adam Zand SharpOrange www.sharporange.com @NoOneYouKnow
Mark Manuel Industrial Marketing www.industrial.marketing
Amogh Thali Daytoday health
Mark Zieff Blue Harvest Fisheries
FRANCIS STELLATO American Lazer Services www.Amlazer.com
Rusty Williams AnswerStage http://answerstage.com @rustyw
Kristen Avini Mass Innovation Nights @massinno
Victoria Tibbetts Mass Innovation Nights
Walter Guevara TerapyGo www.terapygo.com
PartnersAccelerate PartnersAccelerate
Matthias Hofmann 123 SEE, Inc www.123see.io