Event date: 01-17-2024

Event Time: 4:00 PM


URL: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIucOuuqDgjH9P2kw5iCIXuj1XYaPAtKEpD#/registration

Prepare 4 VC and Boston New Technology have launched a new Founder Series with The Startup Station and PowerUp.

Win Investors’ Trust With Credible Financials, taking place on January 17th at 4:00PM EST, will be jam-packed with great education and amazing speakers who represent some of the brightest stars in the startup ecosystem including:

Ryan M. Fuller, Founder and CEO of Ghostcast
Alisha Overton, Founder and CEO of The AO Planner Company
Sansan Fibri, Founder and CEO of Wakefully
Stanley Rameau, Founder and CEO of Renavest

Together, we’ll unlock a massive treasure trove of key insights on investors’ due diligence priorities. We invite you to discover the art of setting model assumptions without historical data, avoid the common pitfalls in financial creation, and learn the secret recipe for crafting a crystal-clear financial model that dazzles investors and sets you up for startup success.