Event date: 03-15-2022

Event Time: 4:00 PM


URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tech-toolkit-for-coaches-entrepreneurs-tickets-289889817247

Do you get frustrated with “How do I do that?” or “Why does this app always do the opposite of what I want?” with technology sites and apps? I’ve learned a lot about setting up, configuring, and maximizing tech tools like Zoom, Canva, and Calendly as I started my own coaching business. When I first used each of these I had some EPIC FAILS. Since then I’ve learned how to head off common problems before they happen so I can thrive as a Workplace Thrival Coach.

We’ll spend a few minutes each on the most useful things I’ve discovered about Zoom, Canva, and Calendly.

We’ll have some time for Q&A and you’ll get access to checklists you can use as you walk through your own tools.