Event date: 10-25-2022

Event Time: 7:00 PM

Venue:Silver Unicorn Books, Acton, MA

URL: https://silverunicornbooks.com/events

If you’ve ever wondered how to use data to its full potential, how to build a brand and develop product strategies that speak to customers, don’t miss this event! Join local author, professor, and entrepreneur Christina Inge as she discusses her new book, Marketing Metrics: Leveraging Data and Analytics to Optimize Marketing Strategies.

Many brands talk about creating a marketing strategy powered by data, analytics and metrics. Yet too often they\’re still overwhelmed by data, or unsure of how to use it to create a flexible and future-focused strategy that doesn’t just validate what’s happened in the past.
Marketing Metrics takes readers through all the stages of implementing a data-first strategy, from early-stage adoption to more advanced customization. Featuring examples from a range of organizations including Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz, it shows how to create a strategy which leverages consumer data for customer-centric marketing, establishes the ROI of channels and campaigns, strengthens brands and creates data-driven product strategies.