Event date: 12-20-2022

Event Time: 7:00 PM

Venue:Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) in Cambridge, MA

URL: https://bostonenet.org/events/manage-stress-strain-of-your-startup/

Attendees will have the option to join us in-person at the Cambridge Innovation Center (CIC) in Cambridge, MA or online via Zoom.

Work can be a pleasure and a pain. For entrepreneurs, the uncertainty and pressure are different than working for an employer where an employee’s focus is primarily on doing a good job and rising up the ranks.

An entrepreneur needs to, among other things, invent a product or service, find complementary talent, raise funds, balance revenue with expenses, lead or assist sales efforts, and chart a future for the company. It can be a pressure packed life. How do leaders and their colleagues cope with the stress and strain of their startups?

Two entrepreneurs, an HR executive, and a comic/entertainer share their different perspectives on dealing with pressure and most importantly how to de-stress.