Event date: 08-25-2021

Event Time: 2:00 PM

Venue:Zoom Online

URL: https://thecapitalnetwork.org/events/investment-and-inclusion-better-startups-workshop-8-25-2021/

Are you curious about whether and how Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) can benefit your startup? Do you support D&I, but don’t know where to find talent from diverse backgrounds? Are you looking for ways to make your company a more inclusive and welcoming environment? Regardless of how you feel about D&I, you are invited to attend our Better Startup Workshop in partnership with Aleria Research Corporation that address all of these and other points to help you grow a happier and more successful company.

Join us for this free online workshop to learn how D&I can impact on your growth and your ability to succeed, and increase the satisfaction and retention of your team. All attendees will be given access to Aleria Research Corporation’s D&I toolkit, which includes an extensive directory of resources to help you identify talent from many different backgrounds, and a list of specific ideas for policies, benefits and initiatives that will make your company more inclusive and welcoming for everyone.