Event date: 08-09-2023

Event Time: 5:30 PM

Venue:Rooftop @ Revere

URL: https://www.meetup.com/boston_new_technology/events/295013657

Come join Boston New Technology and Femtech India in Boston’s largest rooftop lounge atop of the Revere Hotel in downtown Boston for our Femtech mixer.

FemTech India is a platform aimed at global community building within the FemTech space with emphasis on innovation and inclusion. We have a proven track record of actively assisting founders and entrepreneurs with crucial aspects of market access, PR & branding, pricing strategies, and investor relations.

Boston New Technology is a not-for-profit startup, technology, and business community of 28k professionals, whose mission is to help startups and local businesses launch and grow! BNT’s network extends to Austin, Texas, with over 50k members across 15 meetup groups!

BNT is an awesome network for entrepreneurs, investors, coders, designers, business developers, marketers, technology enthusiasts, and other professionals to connect at live events, be inspired and educated, share amazing opportunities, collaborate, launch and learn about new product ventures, form partnerships and grow businesses!