Event date: 10-24-2023

Event Time: 5:00 PM

Venue:100 Cambridgeside Place, 3rd floor, Cambridge, MA

URL: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/biotechtuesday-halloween-edition-sponsored-by-smartlabs-tickets-717405588427?aff=oddtdtcreator

SmartLabs, which accelerates science through a portfolio of cutting-edge services for laboratory design, operations, and infrastructure, invites the biotech, biopharma, and life sciences community of Greater Boston to attend a BiotechTuesday event at its newest advanced managed research center in Cambridge. 100 Cambridgeside Place in East Cambridge is a premier mixed-use space featuring shops and restaurants. Event attendees will get a sneak peek at this newest SmartLabs facility, scheduled to open in late 2024.

October 24, 2023, from 5-8 pm EDT
100 Cambridgeside Place, 3rd Floor, Cambridge MA
Costumes optional but encouraged