Tweet about this product: Diffusion of healthcare innovation is hard. That's exactly why we are starting @care_zooming!

CareZooming is a two-sided online platform connecting clinicians to one another for technical expertise on their next healthcare delivery project to improve patient outcomes, saving clinicians hours of their own time and hundreds of their own dollars.
CareZooming has a knowledge-base of healthcare innovation “recipes” that clinicians can filter by key criteria such as clinic size, EMR used, number of employees as well as a network of peer experts to guide them step-by-step through implementing their next practice improvement project. CareZooming handles the matching, scheduling, and conferencing logistics of connecting clinicians to one another.
Healthcare providers use CareZooming’s internal knowledge management to keep track of projects across their clinics.
Healthcare solutions companies and startups can use CareZooming to be matched with potential new partners.